free think
Seven years.. seven years of life, thoughts, travel, and experiences... Glad to be back..reinvigorated.. inspired.. its been brewing a repetitive thought ticking at me just like chinese water torture to the forehead. It was almost a fear.. will i know what to say? will i struggle as i did before i took the break? I am living my "Eat, Pray, Love" journey Had a mental break down.. I changed... i died metaphorically.. literally..deconstructed.. deprogramming..rewiring... Many don't know what that feels like nor could i explain it to anyone.. it is something that if you have not experienced it, can only empathize. fuck you i wont do what you tell me.. a little rage against the machine at the moment on spotify that's kind of how I feel at the moment.. but more in a way of breaking societal constructs of what I have to be in accordance to "fit in" i've never fit in.. never.. and what does that even mean? fit into what? the 'american dream...