A Beautiful Lie (writings)

A beautiful tear,
A beautiful cry,
A beautiful smile,
A beautiful lie...
I, oh so delicately, whisper in your ear.

I see we meet again my friend,
You act surprised by our encounters...
We danced the tango so eloquently,
Don't you remember? I know you do...

What happened to the interlaced web we wove together?
An intricate network of fallacy, misdirection, misconception, and deceit.
Mmmmm, you reveled in me at one point, yet you never noticed.
Don't you remember me? I know you do...

I admit I caressed you in places I shouldn't have been,
Unveiled things no one should ever see,
Took your mind to planes you could never fathom.
...That's the effect I have...so I've been told.

Most people detest the sight of me...if...they catch me,
That is why I fancied you so much,
You were mine for the taking.
I penetrated you so hard and so well,
You couldn't distinguish the pain from the pleasure.
Don't you remember? 
Such an invigorating experience isn't it?
...Well for me anyway.

Let me divulge  a little more about myself...
I am that which most don't understand,
The one that violates upon invitation,
The epidemy of death...
I am the love child of intent and desire.
That which bleeds you of all remnants of humanity!
Slowly, drive you into insanity,
ultimately leaving you naked and sodomized on the floor drowning...
In your own blood, sweat, and tears.

Grotesque I know, but as I said all is done by invitation only...

Do you remember me now? I know you do...


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